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Once students have learned to read, they move up to our Learning Centers where we use the ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum.  This  curriculum is set apart from other educational  programs by its emphasis on individualization,  academic excellence, character building, and  traditional values.  This curriculum teaches children how to think, act, and live.

It is an individualized program which introduces children to concrete and abstract reasoning skills at appropriate age levels according to their  maturation stages.  ACE focuses not only on knowledge and facts, but also includes Biblical  wisdom as a deliberate aspect of the learning  process.

The ACE curriculum is set apart from other curricula by its combination of academics and methodology based on physiological development patterns and Bible principles.  It provides mastery learning, critical analysis, conceptualization, cognitive reasoning, and teaches students to see life from God’s perspective.

Upon enrollment in the Learning Center, students are tested to discover their individual performance level in each subject. Their curriculum is then individually prescribed and assigned.  At this point, students are taught to set daily goals and assume the responsibility for their own success.

The ACE program is Biblical in its core, an extraordinary educational approach, preparing  students for tomorrow’s world while giving them traditional moral values that will last a lifetime.

-Places child at exact academic ability through diagnostic testing.
-Incorporates goal setting, Godly character building, and Biblical principles.
-Includes multimedia and computer technology.
-Encourages parental involvement.
-Stresses uniqueness of the individual.
-Teaches critical thinking skills.
-Produces academic excellence.

For more information on the ACE program,  watch “Presenting ACE” at

Students educated through the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum are being accepted at colleges and universities throughout the United States. For a listing of these educational institutions, please contact our school office.