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Biblical Values

Countryside offers a distinctive Biblically grounded education that permeates our worldview, materials, and methodology. Our commitment is to foster independence in your child's learning and cultivate a robust moral character for life. Emphasizing positive values such as respect for authority, consideration for others' property, and personal responsibility, we provide effective life training, considering it the cornerstone of education.

Our school integrates individualized curriculum, academic diagnosis, personalized attention, and goal-setting, aiming to shape graduates who not only achieve success in their chosen paths but also acquire wisdom for a life that is pleasing to God.

Enrolling your child in a Christian school is often driven by the desire for an education rooted in moral principles, and at Countryside, we deliver on that expectation. Utilizing Biblically based ABEKA and Accelerated Christian Education curricula, our approach incorporates Scripture memory passages and references to God. This intentional design is geared towards nurturing moral character, instilling a sense of accountability, and fostering wisdom in students' lives. Through a combination of high standards in personal conduct, school policies, and curriculum, we strive to build a strong sense of responsibility and integrity in every student.